Can You Collect The Diamonds?
I made a nice location somewhere on my server for someone to attempt death to get diamonds.
If you make it here I’m impressed! Although I’ll never know sure hope someone posts on minecraft chat they hit the motherload.
My son loves playing mindcraft. He plays it on his Xbox and watches the videos from youtube. It’s so fun to watch him build and use his imagination. Thanks for sharing!
it must be fun for that kind of game to play during past time, something you can play without judging you…interesting and clever way for others to see if they’ll be able to get that level.
My daughter is so addicted to minecraft now Marie. I showed her your website and I told her that you have your own server. She said “Man, I wish I have a server” lol
I have not played this game and I have no clue at all. Looks and sounds really addictive!
sorry, but i really don’t know what mine craft is. looks cool though!
My son is so addicted to minecraft he loves playing something called “Hypixel Bedwars”