What have I been doing lately, what games have I been playing?
Well, it’s between Minecraft and Steams Team Fortress 2! My Profile on Steam is https://steamcommunity.com/id/mzbaker/ I have a blast just playing single player practice, I don’t think real people would like how I play. LOL I am a pyro and I love to burn, burn, burn! Of course, only in the game! I use the flamethrower and honestly, I kill it! 🙂
In this photo I was killed! LOL Most of my screenshots are when I was just destroyed! It’s all good, it’s just a game, I just keep coming back!

My Pancreas! LOLOL And My Torso! Plus Bits here and there! I was destroyed for sure!
I have also been playing Minecraft on Singleplayer more than online, because we have really crappy internet. It’s called Hughesnet and 90% of the time our ping is almost a 1000 and that’s with their Full “Premium High Speed” Internet! LOLOL What a sick joke. I pay over $150 a month to this crappy company, because it’s the only choice we have… We only get 50 GB’s for any time and then 50 GB’s from 2 AM – 8 AM. We run out fairly fast. No one covers us in our area. We moved about 2 and a half years ago to a very rural neighborhood. It was a big mistake as far as internet and gaming goes. That’s why we (MaBaker202/MzBaker and LeoBaker202) haven’t been on servers much. Lag is horrible. We try to do a speed test and we can’t, because of latency errors. LOL I can’t wait to move!

But I took some screenshots of my games. Both MC and TF2! 🙂
Check Em out!
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